Guide to Surviving Finals

Happy Wednesday and the middle of finals season at UMass. Finals week is always a stressful time whether you’re studying for exams, finishing up group projects, or drafting a million copies of an essay. This semester, I am doing a combination of all three while trying to regulate my sanity. As exciting as it is to finish the semester and wrap things up, sometimes the end and the anticipation of grades being finalized adds an extra element of anxiety for me. 

Here is my guide to surviving finals! I am not good at taking my own advice, but I love giving others advice and giving myself an outline I should be following!

Organize and Schedule Everything for Yourself

An overwhelming schedule can seem like a lot when you don’t break it down into pieces and schedule when you plan on completing things. I started by making a master list of all the assignments and studying I had left to do for each class including the dates the work was due or the day I had the exam. Then I made another schedule of when I planned on completing these things. Making a checklist and being able to highlight work as you complete it can be very helpful in biting your work into pieces instead of attacking everything all at once. It’s also helpful to be able to see everything else you need or want to do during the week including workouts, work, and time with friends. 

Break Your Work Up

It can be easier to focus on one thing at a time rather than the whole picture. Dedicate a certain amount of time to each item on your to-do list. Also, make sure you do take study breaks and spend some time for yourself in order to prevent burnout. Another way I like to break up my work is by studying in different locations for a change of pace and scenery. Yesterday, I did some of my writing in Post and Beam and the rest of it in a classroom with my friends.

Self Care

Everyone says this,  but it’s so true!! Do some self care in between studying, exams, and completing work. Even if you just do a face mask or go for a run, your body will thank you! Exercise is a great way to relieve stress during finals!

Coffee and Water

Obviously, I am a big iced coffee girl. It quite literally might be the reason I wake up in the morning. But, coffee in the morning and during your study sessions to motivate you and keep you awake. Water throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain your brain functioning. Drinking water can help with anxiety and stress!

Good luck to everyone this week!! You’ll do amazing and your finals will be done before you know it!



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